Whatever Your Why, Thank You!


CALPEP works hard every day to provide needed services to our community. And our recently-launched Mobile One-Stop Services Team (MOST) Project is needed more than ever, because of the pandemic.


Whatever your reasons may be, thank you for your support and for helping us. Your contribution will enable us to continue services, expand our reach, and grow for the longer term.

$5 supports the delivery of one food bag for a family of four

$10 supports the delivery of one food bag and a hot shower

$25 supports the delivery of five food bags for families of four

$50 covers one night in a motel room so those at highest risk can Shelter in Place

$350 covers one week in a motel room so those at highest risk can Shelter in Place

$500 supports the cost of providing approximately 70 hot showers

$1,000 supports the cost of providing approximately 140 hot showers

$5,000 covers the cost of providing hot showers and hygiene services to approximately 560 individuals
