Weekly Food Donations
Your donation will allow us to provide meals while we are educating, spreading awareness and providing services to our community.

Personal Hygiene Items
All donations appreciated. We redistribute and utilize items such as unused complimentary hotel toiletries - to unexpired surplus medical supplies (gloves, etc…). Bulk donation pick-ups can be arranged. We are particularly in need of
- personal care products
- bath products
- oral hygiene products
- Feminine hygiene products

Gift Cards
Personal or corporate gift card donations used as prizes for activities and as reward incentives for completing case management objectives

Social Media Awareness
We love to spread further awareness about social and health issues that are present and affect our communities. Your social media skills can be help us greatly. Ask us about social media volunteer opportunities!

Community Event Support
Our events are always open to the community - and most often times in the community. We hold community grill-outs services and welcome volunteers and donations.

Monetary Donations
Financial contributions allow us to invest resources directly to services most needed by our communities - and they allow us to support our local community!


We welcome contributions of many kinds, so you can make a gift that best suits your interests and ability.